Maaria Wirkkala: Back for a moment

Maaria Wirkkala (b. 1954) – one of the most important Finnish artists of her generation – has been a pioneer in many ways: with her aesthetics, use of materials, and conceptual approach. She has combined sculpture, installation art, video, and even performance art in her works in a way that is evocative and poetic. Space, light and time are central themes in her art. Maaria Wirkkala was awarded the first ever Ars Fennica Prize in 1991.

The Sara Hildén Art Museum’s exhibition EDES TAKAISIN Back for a moment is a retrospective of Maaria Wirkkala’s career spanning more than 40 years. In addition, new works made for this exhibition will be on view. The artist chooses her exhibitions intuitively and has kept them few and far between. In recent years, Maaria Wirkkala has exhibited mainly abroad, in Venice, Istanbul, and various cities in Japan. For this reason, too, her exhibitions are always events.

Maaria Wirkkala
EDES TAKAISIN  Back for a moment
October 12, 2024 – January 19, 2025

In the picture: Maaria Wirkkala, What has happened – What will happen. Northern Alps Art Festival 2020-2021 (Nagano, Japan). Photo: Tsuyoshi Hongo