The Sara Hildén Art Museum’s summer exhibition explores space in art

Art in Space, Space in Art explores how artists have dealt with space, spatiality and architecture.
On display are paintings, drawings, sculptures and spatial installations by more than thirty artists. The exhibition is based on the collection of the Sara Hildén Foundation, and it is complemented by the works being prepared for the exhibition by the artist Antti Oikarinen and the artist duo Grönlund – Nisunen.
Antti Oikarinen’s art has always a spatial point of departure, and he never makes single artworks, but entire exhibitions. For the exhibition Art in Space, Space in Art Oikarinen has created a spatial and substantial entity of his own, an exhibition within an exhibition.
The installation of Grönlund – Nisunen was inspired by the architecture of the Sara Hildén Art Museum, and it can be considered as a tribute to the current building, from which the museum is moving out.
Art in Space, Space in Art continues the themed collection exhibitions, create links to current topics and questions and bring out the scope, versatility and continuous growth of the Sara Hildén Foundation collection.
Artists of the exhibition: Martti Aiha, Francis Bacon, Stephan Balkenhol, Juhana Blomstedt, Otto Boll, Claudio Bravo, Giorgio de Chirico, Jacob Dahlgren, Paul Delvaux, Carolus Enckell, Erik Enroth, Veikko Eskolin-Esk, Lucio Fontana, Grönlund – Nisunen, Eero Hiironen, Chantal Joffe, Dennis Johnson, Howard Kanovitz, Harry Kramer, Matti Kujasalo, Pe Lang, Pentti Lumikangas, Jussi Niva, Antti Oikarinen, Kimmo Ojaniemi, Tamara Piilola, Isabel Quintanilla, Daniel Quintero, Silja Rantanen, Nina Roos, Eino Ruutsalo, George Segal, Jesús Rafael Soto, Yves Tanguy, Gérard Titus-Carmel, Victor Vasarely, Willy Weber, Adam Winner.
The starting point for the exhibition has been the planning stage of the new building for the Sara Hildén Art Museum. The premises of the new building is to become a permanent exhibition space for the art collection of the Sara Hildén Foundation.
Further information:
Museum Director Anna Hjorth-Röntynen, gsm 040 185 4132,
Head of Collection Maria Laine, gsm 040 806 4034,
Communications Coordinator Anne Kauramäki, gsm 040 837 0357,